
Car source 2 kenosha
Car source 2 kenosha

car source 2 kenosha

For a cash deal, it was very trustworthy I trust that it will be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. I appreciate what they did for me, Car Source, Sam, his Agent, and the guys in the shop, who I had tipped. He agreed to do so, and I am looking forward to receiving my title and registration I will reimburse him for the outlay of sales tax, upon my receipt of it. So, I suggested that if he covered the amount due remainder, in order to complete the title transfer and registration, that I would be pleased to make reimbursement, understanding that people make mistakes. However, I stated my position as his error, and as a professional he should have to cover the shortfall, although I am completely satisfied. I am a satisfied customer, received what I had expected, Sam was honest and fair. An error was made in the sales tax amount Sam called me to explain. He was not there the day I bought the car, rather his Agent drafted the documents for title and registration the guys in the shop were very helpful, fixing a tail light bulb that was out, pumping up a low tire, putting some gas in it, as I had a long drive. I purchased a car from Car Source Sam was very helpful on the phone. I warned you this mama bear will not give up! Your move! Plus, when they saw the pictures they shook our hands and wished us luck. Great customer service! I can only assume the Police have been to your shop before because they seemed to know what I was going through. You also tell my family member to "calm the f**k down. It's also pretty crappy that you left your employee to deal with this situation and then call the police because someone raised their voice at you over the phone. Oh that's right you wouldn't even come to the dealership to look at the pictures. The bed of the truck is not even attached to the chassis, a 2x4 wedged under said bed, tape over where it should have been welded, the under carriage looks like the Titanic, and so much more. I can also let the people at GoFundme know what kind of person you are. I have contacts at the DOT and will make sure the truck you sold me will never be able to be driven again. See, I too have titled and registered cars/trucks as well as heavy highway trucks.

car source 2 kenosha

I can create a website and Facebook page dedicated to the people that you have screwed over. File a small claims, file a civil suit, class action, ad in both Racine and Kenosha papers, BBB, DMV, DOT. He said it is important to show support for the Rosenbaum and Huber families.Sam, I gave you the option to work this out like adults but you did not call me back and then blocked my number. Blake's uncle, Justin Blake, led the march.

car source 2 kenosha

The witness said he did not know, as his father handles the money portions of the business.Īs Friday's testimony wrapped up, marches supporting Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber – the two men killed – marched around Civic Center Park. On cross-examination, Rittenhouse's defense attorney pressed the witness to say whether people were requested to protect the property – saying that, in a previously given interview, the business suffered a couple million dollars in damages. Prior to the shootings, Rittenhouse said he was asked to protect businesses and property. Joseph Rosenbaum, the first man shot and killed by Riyyenhouse, was shot on the car lot's property. The Car Source car lots in Kenosha were damaged amid the destructive unrest that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Car Source dealership on fire amid destructive unrest that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

Car source 2 kenosha